Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Online Video Makers, the 90/10 Rule

90% of Online Video makers are just in it for the Ego Stroke. The other 10% are in it for the Passion. The best content comes from the 10%. Do you believe this? And if you make videos, which category do you fit into? Post your comments below.

1 comment:

  1. The reason we say this is because a lot of popular Online Video Makers have horrible content. They get so big that they ignore most of their audience. They develop cliches, and keep a "walled-garden."

    On the other hand, there are the small, relatively-unknown True Artists. These talented people make the most compelling content. They only share it online because it is their passion. They are often overlooked, and have trouble gaining legitimate viewers because sites like YouTube have a financial interest in promoting their already popular partners.

    If YouTube, MySpace Music, and other sites actually screened content for Artistic, Educational, and Entertainment Value, then we wouldn't have to sit through "filler videos" (and crappy bands) of people doing stupid stuff to maintain an online audience.
