FlashAndFilm.net: When did you get started in Flash Animation?
Jorge Farfan: I started using flash at Community College when I was 21. I only took one class for flash animation there.
FlashAndFilm.net: What software do you use?
Jorge Farfan: Adobe Flash CS3 is all I use.
FlashAndFilm.net: Where do you get inspiration? I.E.-are there other animators, series, etc? Or do you pretty much ignore other's work, and just generate your own ideas?
Jorge Farfan: The Simpsons and South Park are basically why I'm an animator. It's not so much the animation that inspired me, it was more about their storylines which made me want to go into this field. Plus, just having the idea that you can do anything you want through animation is amazing to me, where as you have limits through other mediums.
FlashAndFilm.net: How is the college coursework, for learning Flash Animation?
Jorge Farfan: It's horrendous! Each class is more useless than the next. To get a BFA in animation, you are required to take a whole bunch of classes that have nothing to do with what you want to do. I'm not interested in 3D animation, painting, or design, but those are the things I need to learn in order to graduate. I've talked to people about it, and some say that those classes can help me become a better artist because I'll know the techniques of each medium, but this the way I look at it. Would you want to learn one language really well or speak 10 languages very badly?
FlashAndFilm.net: Do you learn more in school, or out-of-school regarding flash animation?
Jorge Farfan: The flash class at Community College helped me a bit, but I'd have to say I've mostly learned flash animation through trial and error, and watching other animations on Newgrounds.com.
FlashAndFilm.net: In your opinion, what are the top 5 websites that feature flash animation by original animators?
Jorge Farfan: The only website I know is Newgrounds. That's all you really need.
FlashAndFilm.net: What are some good showcase animation sites, featuring in-house produced stuff?
Jorge Farfan: I absolutely love David Firth's work. It's just beautifully surreal and creepy. "Ill Will Press" is a very funny animated series. Also, anything from Film Cow is just amazing.
David Firth - http://www.fat-pie.com
Ill Will Press - http://www.illwillpress.com
Film Cow - http://www.filmcow.com
FlashAndFilm.net: How long does it take to produce a quality 3-minute Flash Animation?
Jorge Farfan: If I'm real focused and don't slack off, it can take me 3 weeks. So basically a week for each minute.
FlashAndFilm.net: Do you hope to make a career out of Flash Animation, or will you specialize in another area?
Jorge Farfan: That is the dream. Going to a State College and graduating is my Plan B. I've actually been thinking of applying for a job this summer at Ghostbot in San Francisco, which specializes in traditional animation and flash for feature films, television, and commercials. You might recognize their work from those Esurance commercials.
FlashAndFilm.net: Does one have to move to Silicon Valley to get a decent Flash Animation job?
Jorge Farfan: I would love to say no, but I think the opportunity is a lot greater if you do live here.
FlashAndFilm.net: In your words, can you give some advice to people wanting to get started in flash?
Jorge Farfan: Remember, you will make a lot of mistakes when starting with flash, but don't be discouraged. Keep going and work hard at it. Learn from your mistakes. Start with animating a comedian's stand-up, or a funny parody song, so you get the hang of it. Then, when you think you have flash absolutely mastered, start creating original material and you'll be on top in no time!
Thank You for the interview, Jorge!
Jorge Farfan AKA "Nihilistic Eye Productions" showcases his work on YouTube. You should Subscribe, so you get updated on his new creations there. Also be sure to friend him up on MySpace.
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